Dhaka Oxford Synergy Limited, a Europe based company, with operations offices throughout Europe and Bangladesh, have played a significant role in the development of European leadership by recruiting many such talents from the native land.

We are a leading executive HR consultancy and search firm dedicated to the ethical, timely, and successful placement of talent.

Dhaka Oxford Synergy Limited with its Bangladeshi sister concern Dhaka Oxford Synergy already provided more than 200 trained nurses in UK under NHS with a fantastic job offer. We also provided a good number of care giver in UK in last corona period.

We already provided a large number of skill worker like plumber, construction helper and electric expert in Malaysia.

We already provided a good number of chef and restaurant catering experts in Malta.

We have MOU with several known institute in Bangladesh who can provide large numbers of skill experts in construction, electric, plumber, catering, hospital management, and health care sector with language certificate.

Dear sir/ Madam, now a days the economical and structural development of Poland is fantastic. If we can work together in Poland I think we can give you a lot of skill worker with whom you can work in a bellow salary. So that your financial development also increase tremendously.

wish to sit and talk together so that we can work for the future.

What they are talking About

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Leading By Example

People that bring you results

S Hoque Priom

Managing Director

“ Building this multifaceted company was one of the most daunting yet successful tasks I had undertaken. My aim right from the start was to have the capacity to translate vision into reality. I have, to one’s advantage, managed to assemble quite an inclusive team of talented individuals, who flawlessly delegate and manage the day-to-day workings of all the service we so inimitably provide. This is just the start, we have a long road of prosperity ahead of us. ‘’

Abdullah Hossain


“ What makes me a proud member of Dhaka Oxford Synergy Limited? Accountability, personal and professional growth, support, and counsel are the most significant reasons for me. Here I have the opportunity to share my personal and business concerns with my team members who question my ideas and advise my decisions, which has been useful for my firm and myself. Interaction with this trustworthy group of people from all backgrounds and experiences, gives me fantastic insight that has allowed me to excel. I have undoubtedly grown as a leader, and my team has grown alongside me. We also have some fun along the way, which helps me put my career and personal issues in perspective. ‘’